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Space Base

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SKU: WAZS573172645341 Category:


As the commodore of a Space Base, your job is to draft new ships into your fleet to work and patrol the 12 sectors under your watch. Use cargo vessels, mining ships, and deploy carriers to earn profits and expand your influence. Only one Space Base commodore will be promoted to U.E.S. Admiral of the Fleet.

Space Baseis a dice game where players draft ships into their Space Base. Every turn, no matter whose turn, players harvest rewards from their Space Base, whether those rewards are an increase in your baseline income, credits for next turn, influence, or some other powerful effect that will lead you to victory.Space Basehas you involved and engaged on every player’s turn, from the first roll of the dice to the last!


  • 192 Space Faring Vessels (cards)
  • 12 U.N.E. Space Colonies (cards)
  • 45 EnergyCapsules(cubes)
  • 5 Player Control Consoles (boards)
  • 1 Commodore Field Manual (rulebook)
  • 2 Dice

Players: 2-5
Playtime: 60
Age: 14+
Designer: John D. Clair
Publishers: Alderac Entertainment Group
Artist: Chris Walton
Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Open Drafting, Random Production
Categories: Dice, Science Fiction, Space Exploration

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